General Contractors is a great site for general contractors to find good subcontractors to bid your projects . If you are a general contractor and you are having trouble getting bids for your projects try the website . This website is for licensed contractors that will include plumbing , electrical , roofing , drywall , stucco , framing , painting , flooring , hvac and many other specialty contractors. All specialty contractors have to be licensed to be on the site . There is no registration fee and you can post as many projects as you like on the site and you will find many specialty contractors sending you bids or contacting you to bid your project . As A General site I find a site like EZcontractor .com to be essential in helping me to get subscontractor bids .As a General contractor I used to have to go through the Blue book of construction and spend hour calling specialty contractors and leaving messages just to find out they only bid commercial projects or your project is too small for them to bid . I used Craigslist , Yelp , Home advisor , thumbtack with no luck . These sites may be good for finding dance studios , gardeners, window washers and movers , but for licensed contractors they did not work out well , as some sites did not require you to be licensed to be on it . Home advisor did require a license but I found out many subs wont work for General contractors , as they prefer dealing directly with the consumer . The specialty contractors know this is not a consumer site , its only contractor to contractor site and they are anxious to bid your project . When I was looking for a framing contractor to bid some room addition projects within 2 days I had about 15 messages from framing contractors interested to bid my project. You can request workmans compensation from your subcontractors and liability insurance also . There is no other website like where you can post your projects and get many subcontractors willing to bid them. Once you have a good set of specialty contractors you may not need to post the projects but sometimes you need to keep your subs bidding competitively and get other bids to confirm they are giving you the best price . General contractors want to spend their time building not having to find contractors to bid their projects with you can do this. In just 10 minutes you can post a foundation project, a framing project, a electrical project, a plumbing project, a drywall project, a stucco project, a roofing project and a painting project and get all the contractors contacting you to bid your project. You don't have to chase them down for the bids, they will be chasing you down to get the jobs. Register on today and start spending less time looking for licensed subcontractors and spending more time building your projects with good specialty contractors.